Monday, June 28, 2010

Miracle of Science in Cosmology and Astronomy

In this present generation, scientist has only not doing research in this earth, they are also doing research in external world. They are trying to find the actual history about the origin of this universe. Science has reached in the many and different points out of our world. Science has shown its miracle differently in both cosmology and astronomy.miracle of science in cosmology & astrology
Cosmology is the study of origination universe. No one could have imagine that there is a huge area containing different galaxies, constellations, black hole, etc. in the external world but science has proved that this huge area is not other than universe. And it has its own origination. It is also said it was a tiny particle, which got bombard and whole universe is formed. It is also said that it will again collapsed as it was before. The study of cosmology is itself a miracle for every human being.
As it is said that astronomy means the branch of geology which deals with the study ofmiracle of science  in cosmology and Astronomy constellations, galaxies, planets, satellites, black hole, stars, comets, our solar system etc. First of all, let me talk about moon, the natural satellite ; No one in this earth had imagined before that once a human being can reach moon and now it is approved by science as just like miracle. Every news flashed all over world is due to satellites. Internet, phone call, TV channels, Radio channels, etc are first send their signals by their main stations and instructions sent by main stations will be received by the satellite and it is flashed all over the world to their branch station. After all this, I think no any miracles are greater than this. Even study of astronomy is searching different other planets for suitable living of human being.
So study of astronomy and cosmology is the main way which helps to take this world to a next extra-ordinary generation.

Miracle of science in high technology & technical education

This world is in the process of development. Development work is carried oMiracle of science in high technology & technical educationut only if there is high technology & high technology can be done if there is a proper technical education. If there is technical education than only development work is carried out smoothly & scientifically. Technical education is the main importance in this present generation to create a high technology. Science has its leading role for both; High technology and Technical education.
Science has become as a miracle to every human being due its high technology. & every high technology is due to a science which is boon for human life. Every high technology is taking this world faster in the enmiracle of science  in high technology & technical educationd point of development work. We can just sit in a computer & we can know every detail about the world live or recorded or in letters due high technology. Different technology like vehicles, computer, industries, radio, television, launching satellite, Launching rocket, step in moon, different Roberts, different medicines for various dangerous diseases, Airplane, submarine, railway tracks under the oceans, huge buildings, etc. are some of the miracles of science which comes under high technology. No one had formed a mental image or concept that all these high technology would be performed by science.
But for all this, technical education has also played a side role for the improvement in high technology. For technical education science has brought different device to proceed forward in development works. Previously to get education we need to go far from a resident to reach a school. But miracle of science has improved this in such a way that every student can study without any great effort & teacher don’t need any difficulties on teaching. Science has created different devices like practical education, internet education, computer education, etc. for the development of technical education. In this generation people or student can easily learn without teacher in home with the help of internet where Google gives the answers of every type of questions or with the help of different software available on market.
This short article shows that there is great miracle of science in high technology & technical educations to increase the living standard of human being.

Miracle of Science for food technology and in our daily life

This generation of 21st century is boon for human life. In each and every steps of life, their needs are fulfilled by science and technology. Their habits are Miracle of Science for food technology and in our daily lifemiracle of science for food technology and in our daily lifegoing worst because they are not able to live a second without science and technology. For every human beings , their needs are increasing day by day, but also science fulfilled every needs of human beings. And this is a miracle of science that every human being getting such an unimaginable facilities.
In our daily life, science has played every role. Every second of life science is with us. Let me describe our daily life where we use science and technology. A person use nearly 100 or more than hundred things made from technique of science and some of them are; clock, modernized toilet, modernized kitchen where there are cylinder gas, electric rice cooker, pressure cooker, refrigerator, heater, etc.; Car, bus, or other vehicles to go to office or schools or somewhere else,; Airplane to reach more faster , everyone have mobile, Ipod, laptop, camera with them. In every home or office there is computer television, telephone, internet facilities on computer, A.C., fan, etc. It is impossible to write all the miracle of science in this small sheet but in my view one sentence can complete the whole sense that without science our life is unimaginable.
After all in case of food technology, science has made human beings voracious due to its technology in food sectors. Science has made different types of food with its techniques. It has made different devices to make food fresh and tasty as well as to cook without difficulties. Just a one click can cook a food due to high technology of science. In this generation we can have different types of fruits or vegetables in off season too. Varieties of man-made of food having high nutrients and vitamins are available for human beings due to science.
So both in daily life and food technology science is miracle for human beings.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Miracle Of Science In Sports & Entertainment.

Miracle of science in sports & entertainment
Sports & Entertainment are the inseparable part of human life.No sport & entertainment is fully complete in the absence of science.Thus sports, entertainment and science are closely related. In this present generation every person in this world are linked with sports as well as they are getting celestial pleasure in entertainment.
Sports are well organized only with the help of science. Just few years back there was no any improvement in sports. But now it is well performeMiracle of science in sports & scienced in every country due to drastic modernized change due to miracle of science. In this generation we can get every news related to sports in just a second. Science has taken sports in such a stage than we can watch live games from every corners of the earth. Every material used in sports are made with the techniques of science. In sports, first of all playground or court are technically designed; uniform of the player is designed differently for different games scientifically; stadium for sports is designed by engineers with the techniques of science. Most of the things used in sports are prepared with the help of science. So miracle of science has given a high rank to sports.
Just like in sports science has shown its miracle in entertainment too. Entertainment has made every person full of happiness & tensionless. But for all this science has played hidden role just to entertain people. Just few years before people used to visit different places to entertain themselves. Now in this generation people can listen songs or videos or can watch T.V just by one click on his/her iphone or mobile or remote of T.V to get entertainment. Science has made different entertaining materials. In this few years science has given high position to get entertainment as just like a miracle. So to make human life prosperous & happy entertainment is required & for entertainment, sport also plays significant role.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Miracle of Science.

This generation is the period of science & technology. In each & every steps of our life we need different facilities & it goes on increasing day by day. so for all these, miracle of science is the one which plays an important act in our life. With out science our life is incomplete. For every person in this world science plays an important role. From ancient era to modern age this world is changed its face just like a magic due to miracle of science. Science has made this world narrower & narrower. After some generation miracle of science will reach in such a stage that every person in this world will be alive forever & their won't be high population because their won't be only earth as living planet. Other planet also will be discovered in coming future. And this is only possible due to miracle of science. In each & every places it has made its first position. like:-
i) Miracle of science for food technology.Miracle of scienceii) Miracle of Science in cosmology & astrology.Miracle of science
iii) Miracle of Science on coming future.miracle of science <span style=
iv) Miracle of Science in our daily life.
v) Miracle of Science in progressive generation.
vi) Miracle of Science for technical education.
vii Miracle of Science in high technology.
viii) Miracle of Science in medicine sector for plants & animals.
ix) Miracle of Science for our entertainment.
x) Miracle of Science in self protect of individual and whole country.
xi) Miracle of Science for sports.
Miracle of Science.