Friday, August 13, 2010

New Discoveries

new discoveries
Robot Soldier:-
American soldier have made a attacking Robot to fight with enemy soldier. They have made that soldier Robot with their high technology. Development engineering center have helped them to invent that Robot. That soldier Robot won't get tired and easily can fight at night too. And is made up of 4 latest technical camera and 7.2 mm machine gun. This soldier Robot can step forward in high steps without any noise. That enemy which comes near to it is made away by spreading burning flame on it. It have capacity to fight more than 1 K.M. very modern technology machine gun is attached on it and cost nearly 2.5 lakhs U.S dollar.

Next Planets:-
In 2007 July 12 one scientist team from London made a research about space and found that apart from solar system it means 64 light years from our earth there they found a water in a huge planet. That gave name to that planet as HD-189733. In that planet there is not any possibility of human life but they have imagined there may be some other living organisms and they have made a promise to prove it. That planet is larger than Jupiter of our solar system and has temperature 2000 C in its outer surface.
In the same way 200 light years farther from earth there is one new planet which is smaller than Jupiter but its temperature is about 7000F. In this planet, it is said that there is huge mass of gases in that planet according to scientist of American space research center (NASA). They have imagined that if those gases could be brought through a pipe line to earth than there won?t be any crisis of gas in earth. But that planet is 200 light years far from earth and 1 light year means 94, 61,00,00,00,000 K.M. than how we can imagine the 200 light year?

Discovery of Galaxies

discovery of galaxies
Many numbers of stars are held together in the universe due to their gravitational force and it is known as Galaxy. In galaxy, it consists of stars, planets, asteroids, etc. As planets revolve round the sun and sun revolves round the galaxy, galaxy also revolved the whole universe. According to scientist there are more than 50 billion galaxies in the universe. Among them one of the galaxies is our galaxy and it is named as Milky Way galaxy. Scientist have guessed that after many years of our universe made our galaxy is formed.
The nearest galaxy from our galaxy is Andromeda. This is much bigger than our galaxy. Andromeda is only the galaxy that we can see with our naked eyes. Our galaxy is named Milky Way only due to its milky color. Our galaxy can be seen with our naked eyes in clean sky at night. It is seen milky & bright in the central region and going on in outer extending part it is seen dirty & dark. The mid part of galaxy that we have seen from Earth has the distance about 30 thousand light year. The dear and bright parts of galaxy that we can see from earth only have million & billion stars. The sun & stars we see in the sky is one part of the 200 billion stars of our galaxy. From the one end of a same galaxy to other end, light need more than lakhs years with this we can guess that how large is the galaxy.
About galaxy different persons have given their different thoughts from ancient time. Different secret story are also made about it. Many of the countries, people believe that galaxy is the heaven we go after out death. According to Greek, Galaxy is made by the split of Goddess ‘Hera’. The person who seriously thought about galaxy is scientist Galileo Galilee. In 1610 A.D., with the help of telescope he first looked the galaxy nearly. At that time he has purposed that galaxy is made with different dim stars. And it is proved by other different geologist after some years.

Ending of Earth

ending of earth
Every element will end. To get birth, adult and old is the rules of the nature. In the same way planets, stars, etc will end from this universe & it is certain. Human life along with 15 lakhs different types of animals living place earth will also end once without a option. And when it happens? When does our coming generation can live in this earth?
Our forefather has given their thought in ancient era as there is a 4 era. 4 lakh 32 thousand year the kaliyug era have. 8 Lakhs 864 thousand year Duwapar yug have. Similarly, 17 lakh and 28 thousand year Treta yug have. And 34 lakhs and 56 thousand year satya yug have. This 4 era rotates same way in 72 times and 1 (manu) will finished his age. Same way there is 14 manu. And after the age of 14 manu a big disaster in earth and earth will end.
But according to the scientific fact when earth will end? What are scientific facts?
There is a atmosphere 88 mile diameter from the outer surface of the earth. 1.5 miles are sea level below the earth surface. 88 miles thick rough mud are rotating earth. After that there is skin shape burnt, thick & compressed 7 hot mental, rocks covering the thickness about 1300 miles diameter. 700 miles diameter contains hot liquid. That liquid state will once get dry and this whole earth will get cold and become as moon and no life exists on earth. And this state is known as ending of earth. But according to scientist that state comes or that oily hot liquid in the core of earth end after 30 crore years. And some other reason for ending of earth is different asteroids & comets can struck with this earth and our earth may end at that period.

History of Sun

history of sun
Sun is considered as mother of solar system. It is rotating by mass of bright and spherical shaped having huge masses of gases. Sun is also one of the stars among the stars we see in the sky at night.
In the mid part of sun hydrogen is burning and forming helium and due to this process it seems bright. The phenomenon is known as nuclear fusion. During the conversion of every lighter substance to heavier substances large energy is produced. In the same way when hydrogen fuses in sun. Many energy are produced and sun seems bright. In the central of sun its temperature is about 1 crore, 6 lakh million 0Celcius. Similarly, atmospheric pressure in sun is 10 crore times than that of our earth. When hydrogen burns and helium is formed sun emits energy equal to 5 million tons mass in every 1 minute. So sun seems brighter.
10 Lakh is equal to one million. So we feel amazed when we listen that sun exists in this universe before 46 Arab million years ago and once these all bright light will disappear. It means once sun also be as like moon.
According to scientist sun still twinkle in sky for 5 Arab years. Our earth revolves round sun. Not only earth every planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, etc. with every masses revolves the sun. If we say like this then everyone might have thought that sun is stationary. But sun is also not stationary. Sun also revolves round our galaxy. According to scientist, it is said that sun have revolved our galaxy 20 times from its evolution.
As every planet revolves the sun in its own orbit. In the same way sun also revolve round the galaxy in its own axis but it is a ball of gases so it doesn’t revolves like other planet. Sun rotates fast in its equatorial region than in polar region. In equatorial region it take on 27 days of earth and in polar region it take 31 day of earth.

Shape of our Universe

Scientist have done research about universe with different scientific research and found that it is about 13 to 15 billion year before. About the origin of universe different scientists have given their different theory hypothetically but most of the scientists believe in ‘Big Bang’ theory and it is believe that it is very near to the truth. According to the ‘Big Bang’ theory this all elements, planets, asteroids, comets, satellite, stars, galaxy etc were a same mass in compressed order. When all their compressed elements & energy are blasted and whole universe were created. In accordance to scientist with that period our universe is going on expanding and it is still in progress. In the hypothesis of some scientist our universe will expand to some extend to its boundary and it will again begins to contract and again it will be the same as it was before. Scientists called this phenomenon of universe as ‘Big Crunch’. This name was kept with the theory of ‘Big Bang’ with just opposite name “the ganabcrib”. But some other scientists don’t accept this theory. According to them this phenomenon of expanding goes on and on & it will never reverse back.
There is different theory for the research of universe. Some says universe will expand but up to some extend. And according to them every element has its age and they think universe have also its own age. As the star is destroyed and Black hole is formed, once every star, planets, asteroids etc. will get destroyed; even the black hole get destroyed and this universe will be changed into one dark point and it takes such a time that we are not able to convert it into a number. So according to scientist the shape of the universe can’t be determined as it is changed into one of the dark point.

Science & Technology in Sweden

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in 1833 A.D in the Stockholm city of Sweden. His father worked as an engineer in the army. His father loved to research in Immanuel science.
His parents moved to Petersburg from Stockholm in 1842 A.D. Nobel who was keen at chemistry from childhood went to Paris for studying the same. Later he also got opportunity to study in the U.S.A. Because of his incredible memory power he could easily remember and speak English, Russian, French, German & many other languages just from a tender age of 16.
His father owned a factory in Petersburg. After completing his study Nobel returned Petersburg and started to work in his father’s factory. He was unsuccessful in it. In 1864 he opened a factory of his own and started to work on experiments and manufacture of explosive materials but due to an explosion of Nitro Glycerin the whole of the factory was ruined. Courageous Nobel restarted the factory and found out the cause of explosion. He also invented dynamite, an explosive. He founded Nobel Prize, invented Belistite explosive,lead more than hundred inventions and was also famous as a linguist. Later the world famous scientist Bernhard Nobel died in 1896 A.D.
Sweden gave birth to a child in 1707A.D who later proved himself to be a great scientist of the world. He was Karl Linnet. Born in Smaland the naturalist, physiologist, researcher of minerals and organism specialist died in 1778 A.D.
Sweden has been progressing rapidly in the sector of science and technology with the help of many scientists and researchers. And this is all due to only and only miracle of science.

Nepal in science

Our country Nepal which lies in the central of Asia continent is one of the landlocked countries among 34 landlocked countries in the world. In this 21st century Nepal is in same superstitious believe as 15th century rather than thinking about science & technology.
In same way Aachyutanand tried to made airplane of bamboo mud in personal expenditure but no one gave any interest so he died with a name “Biman pandit”. In the same way in 1928 B.S. Gahendra Shumsher invented a light which can be lighted into water, a machine to grind a paddy; wind mill, gay-gon, Bir-gun, Dhir gun, charnale toph, Machine gun, bullest etc, with such a great work states didn’t gave any encourage but he was murdered with conspiracy in 1964.
In the present situation Nepal is not towards the speed of science and technology but instead they are using a machine which is imported from foreign country to measure a weather condition. And sometimes it shows correct information and sometime not. There is organization in Nepal named NAST. And there was some staff with in charge Rishi Shah. He doesn’t have any interest with research. Instead he sits in front of god Saibaba for 3 hrs and pray a photo and passes his time.
In 2064 with a heavy labor of engineering sector of airlines Boing-757 was not completely repaired and for this purpose engineer gave an advice that it may be due to a sky god who is angry with them so they gave sacrifice of a two he-goat than with this how scientific sector goes on developing.
In 2061 Falgun 8:52 am Nepal made 1st test-tube baby & it was a miracle in science by doctors of Nepal. In the same way one team of Pulchowk engineering college made a plane named ‘Danfe’ but states didn’t gave any interest. So how engineering sector will go ahead in Nepal. After all it was 1st tested for 2 minutes by Russian pilot.