Sun is considered as mother of solar system. It is rotating by mass of bright and spherical shaped having huge masses of gases. Sun is also one of the stars among the stars we see in the sky at night.
In the mid part of sun hydrogen is burning and forming helium and due to this process it seems bright. The phenomenon is known as nuclear fusion. During the conversion of every lighter substance to heavier substances large energy is produced. In the same way when hydrogen fuses in sun. Many energy are produced and sun seems bright. In the central of sun its temperature is about 1 crore, 6 lakh million 0Celcius. Similarly, atmospheric pressure in sun is 10 crore times than that of our earth. When hydrogen burns and helium is formed sun emits energy equal to 5 million tons mass in every 1 minute. So sun seems brighter.
10 Lakh is equal to one million. So we feel amazed when we listen that sun exists in this universe before 46 Arab million years ago and once these all bright light will disappear. It means once sun also be as like moon.
According to scientist sun still twinkle in sky for 5 Arab years. Our earth revolves round sun. Not only earth every planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, etc. with every masses revolves the sun. If we say like this then everyone might have thought that sun is stationary. But sun is also not stationary. Sun also revolves round our galaxy. According to scientist, it is said that sun have revolved our galaxy 20 times from its evolution.
As every planet revolves the sun in its own orbit. In the same way sun also revolve round the galaxy in its own axis but it is a ball of gases so it doesn’t revolves like other planet. Sun rotates fast in its equatorial region than in polar region. In equatorial region it take on 27 days of earth and in polar region it take 31 day of earth.
In the mid part of sun hydrogen is burning and forming helium and due to this process it seems bright. The phenomenon is known as nuclear fusion. During the conversion of every lighter substance to heavier substances large energy is produced. In the same way when hydrogen fuses in sun. Many energy are produced and sun seems bright. In the central of sun its temperature is about 1 crore, 6 lakh million 0Celcius. Similarly, atmospheric pressure in sun is 10 crore times than that of our earth. When hydrogen burns and helium is formed sun emits energy equal to 5 million tons mass in every 1 minute. So sun seems brighter.
10 Lakh is equal to one million. So we feel amazed when we listen that sun exists in this universe before 46 Arab million years ago and once these all bright light will disappear. It means once sun also be as like moon.
According to scientist sun still twinkle in sky for 5 Arab years. Our earth revolves round sun. Not only earth every planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, etc. with every masses revolves the sun. If we say like this then everyone might have thought that sun is stationary. But sun is also not stationary. Sun also revolves round our galaxy. According to scientist, it is said that sun have revolved our galaxy 20 times from its evolution.
As every planet revolves the sun in its own orbit. In the same way sun also revolve round the galaxy in its own axis but it is a ball of gases so it doesn’t revolves like other planet. Sun rotates fast in its equatorial region than in polar region. In equatorial region it take on 27 days of earth and in polar region it take 31 day of earth.
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